What To Eat After Tooth Extraction?



Have you recently undergone a tooth extraction procedure? Well! We all know the tooth extraction procedure involves, the complete removal of a tooth from its roots and socket, which not only leaves a gap but is also painful.There are several reasons as to why you may have your tooth/teeth extracted which include tooth decay, overcrowded or impacted wisdom teeth. Well, whatever the reason is on must follow the right care instructions to fasten healing and avoid further complications.

After undergoing a tooth extraction procedure, you may be wondering what to eat? You may be definitely not advised to eat a cheesy bust of pizza, spicy delight of butter chicken, or the much-needed tang in rasam. Clearly, khichdi is the common food that is allowed to eat when a tooth is extracted. 

No doubt one would feel all flavors will be lost in the world and that they won't be able to eat anything. WRONG!Nobody said you can't enjoy some good food when you get a tooth extracted, the key is to eat softer items like ice cream and pudding, it’ll be a well-deserved cheat day, believe us.

It isn't unheard of for patients who get their wisdom tooth extracted, to ask the doctor, “what to eat after wisdom tooth extraction?” Do you have to live on a liquid diet for a long-long time or whether will ever be able to enjoy your favorite snack! Rest assured, that is not the case. However, finding relevant information while caring for your surgery site, post-extraction is very important.

Even though your dentist will explain to you the post-op care, we want to gently remind you of the highlights, and find the DOs & DONTs of post-op care for tooth extraction.

Once you have a tooth removed, eating seems to be a big challenge. You are either constantly scared and licking the surgical area or are worried to eat because you anticipate pain. Although, eating food after tooth extraction does not have to be so hard. All you need to remember is that eating hard or crunchy foods may hurt you, so choose a softer diet. If you are in the stitches about what to eat after teeth removal let us put your mind at ease. Do not wait around for unsolicited advice, here are some tips.


How Soon Should You Eat After A Tooth Extraction?

Most people who had a tooth extraction procedure may be worried about what to eat and when. Well, we will help you in answering your question. Usually, your dentist will instruct you on what to do based on the position where the tooth was extracted and the type of technique used. You will be asked to follow those  instructions through the next couple of days to promote faster healing and carry on with your regular life without any worries.


Days 1- 3

What you can Eat?

Immediately after undergoing a tooth extraction procedure, and a few days following, the aim is to allow a blood clot to form on the site of tooth extraction. In the first 24 hours, you may experience low to no bleeding.  Depending on the procedure and its intrussiveness, you may be advised to  start consuming liquid foods like warm soups, ice-cream, pudding, yogurt and cooked cereal.

What you cannot eat? 

  • Avoid using straw as it can inhibit and dislodge the clot covering your wound causing pain 
  • Rinsing, swishing, gargling and spitting should also be avoided.
  • The key is to not irritate the surgical site and to not dislodge the blood clot formed in the socket. Additionally, remember to not eat very hot food, it may restart the bleeding.


Days 3 - 10

By 3rd day, a clot will have formed on the extraction site. During this time, it is required to keep the clot in place and prevent it from catching any infection. Performing saline rinses may help. You may also be allowed to brush and floss like usual but with exxtra attention. 

What you can eat?

You will continue to eat soft foods that are non-sticky and are less likely to be trapped in the empty tooth socket. Some of these foods include mashed potatoes, avocadoes, bananas, scrambled eggs, khichdi, hummus and even salmon.

What you cannot eat?

  • Avoid spicy foods in order to not stress the surgical site. 
  • Stay away from anything crunchy and crumbly, the smaller particles may get lodged in the extraction site and mess up the condition. Same with most grains, seeds and dry fruits.


How soon you can eat normal after tooth extraction?

Most people feel well enough two weeks after the procedure, and can switch back to their normal diet. Provided there was no complication.

You can also resume your daily activities like exercise and sports.  During your next dental appointment your dentist will also be able to start preparation to replace the extracted tooth/teeth.

Here are few more options of delicious foods you can try after undergoing Tooth Extraction Procedure:

Since you may feel some discomfort, which is expected, you will need all your strength and a good diet. Eating soft food that is also nutritious will help soothe your discomfort and will provide nourishment. The ideal daily dose of vitamins and minerals also boosts immunity which eventually helps in faster healing.

Relieved a bit, how about a list of food items that are allowed apart from the boring sickly food?

There is a misconception that a soft diet only involves lentil stock or tomato soup, whereas there are so many options to choose from.

-  You may choose a healthy mix of veggies and make a thick soup out of them. But make sure all the chunks are either mashed well or strained and is at room temperature on the first day, after that any temperature is suitable. The veggies will help you gain the nutrients that you need.

- Juices and smoothies of your favourite fruits are also very good options. Drinking something cool will help with the post-op discomfort and swelling.

- Consume more soft food and avoid hard foods. Begin with softer items that are real easy to chew and won't bother the extraction site, eg. cheese or pasta, bread, milk, scrambled eggs

- For those worried they will have to live on continental food, there are a lot of options for soft Indian food after tooth extraction.

- Baby food for example sweetened milk-sooji/rice, mashed banana, Ragi/sooji halwa, curd poha/rice, pudding, and baked Potato/sweet potato works well.

- If you get bored of the same item you can always mix it up with milk rice upma, Pongal, khichdi, idly, etc.

Some important points to consider after tooth extraction?

Refraining from alcohol is a must as it is evident is will foremost it will burn on consumption and drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes increase the chances of dry socket condition. Neither is overly chewy food advised, like chewing gums or caramel candy.


Nobody said soft food cannot be interesting but keep the essential points in mind and you will be absolutely fine. Having doubts about extraction prior or worrying about post-operative care is naturally but speaking to an experienced doctor will surely put your mind at ease. At MyDentalPlan - India’s Largest Dental Network you will find the best and most skilled dentists near you to consult whenever you want. You can also opt for video consultation so you can ask as many queries as you like from the comfort of your home.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.




  • food after tooth extraction
  • what to eat after tooth extraction
  • soft indian food after tooth extraction
  • foods to eat after tooth extraction
  • what to eat after wisdom tooth extraction
  • what to eat after teeth removal