Can’t Stop Seeing White Spots?


While we try every new way to get a beautiful smile, be it braces, aligners etc. However, an unforeseen result can take us to white spot lesions. Yes, those milky white lesions on the teeth are upsetting and are also an alert for damaged teeth.


Know White Spot Lesions Better - 


In a layman's language, white spot lesions are your first alert for decay. The milky white discolouration because of acid attack or tartar accumulation states the discolouration of enamel. White lesions can occur anywhere in the mouth. 

On our journey to get a beautiful smile, some fixed orthodontic appliances hampers the mouth's potential of self-cleaning with saliva enriched with minerals. In short, plaque can build up well and hence causes white lesions.

Just not it, but white spot lesions have the potential of leading to an advanced stage and cause real damage if left untreated. 


Main Contributors -


  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Changes in oral care during treatment
  • Existing lesions prior to treatment
  • Orthodontic treatment of more than 36 months


White spot lesions can have a major impact on esthetics and the longevity of the tooth's health. Your oral health care regime needs to be taken care of properly, especially while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. 


We don't doubt your dentists yet give you an option to make a wise decision and take care of your pearly whites with India's best dentists empanelled with MyDentalPlan. Also, at MyDentalPlan you can know your treatment cost beforehand and say goodbye to your budget worries.



  • white spots on teeth
  • poor oral hygiene
  • discolouration of enamel
  • tooth health
  • damaged teeth