Beat The Bad Breath With DIY Green Tea Mouthwash


Well, we know that "green tea" isn't the first thing that comes to your mind when we talk about mouthwash. But what if it will be after reading this blog piece?

Wait, we can feel the tears of joy among tea lovers :P

Now when we know the importance of DIY hacks, we are sure that natural products rule the commercial market. Experts believe that natural mouthwashes or DIY alternatives will do wonders as mouthwashes and are not harmful to your oral health too. 

Before you run your horses around ‘how green tea can help you cure bad breath’. Here are the multiple benefits green tea posses -


  • Reduces plaque
  • Improves inflammation
  • Reduces the risk of bad breath


Yes, the natural ingredients in green tea are helpful for you to cure the above-stated risks and offers the best results. Also, making your DIY green tea mouthwash isn’t an expensive affair. Plus, how can we not talk about the ingredients in it like baking soda or sodium bicarbonate that balances the pH in your mouth and gives a fresh smell as well. Unlike the commercial mouthwashes that may have alcohol which may leave your mouth dry.

So, next time whenever you plan to use mouthwash for fresh breath. We recommend you ditch those artificial mouthwashes and switch to the natural green tea mouthwash and rinse for about 1-2 minutes for better results.

And if the bad breath problem continues even after switching to this amazing DIY mouthwash, you need to visit the dentist. 


Relax, with MyDentalPlan that too is not an expensive affair. Consult India’s best dentists at an affordable cost at your fingertips and ask your oral health problems to leave your way with India’s largest dental network.



  • homemade mouthwash
  • mouthwash
  • using mouthwash
  • green tea mouth wash
  • mouthwash DIY
  • getting rid of bad breadth