Effects of different kinds of drinks on teeth

Effect of different types of drink on teeth


Everybody knows that some foods like sugary sweets and hard nuts affect your smile. You can plan your meals to minimize the impacts of this typical food on your dental health. But have you thought about drinks or beverages you pair with your food?

What you are drinking has the same or sometimes more effect on your smile than what you eat. But people drink several beverages, from the morning cup of coffee to evening alcohol, without even thinking once.

The effect of these drinks on your teeth depends on various things, but most primarily, it is estimated from the whole activity. The liquid that measures PH 6 or even less on the pH scale is considered acidic. When you drink sour drinks, the tooth's enamel gets affected, making the teeth very sensitive and vulnerable to damages like cavities. Those drinks high in both acid and sugar can cause double damage.


Let's see how some of the drinks affect your teeth


  • Wine: When the matter is about the effect of wine on your teeth, red is suitable for oral health, but no range is ideal for your teeth. White wine is more acidic than red wine, and that's why it is more effective in damaging your enamel, thereby making you susceptible to staining and discoloration.


  • Beer: Even if not much data is present, some evidence says that beer benefits your teeth. Research shows that a standard beer component positively affects dental health and cavity protection.


  • Vodka: The pH of vodka is four, and in many cases, it's about 8. Less expensive vodkas have low pH, and premium quality vodkas often have higher pH. So, a lot of vodkas are in the range of potential damage. Alcohol also has a drying effect on your mouth.


  • Water: The most beneficial drink for your teeth is water. When you remain well hydrated by drinking enough water, it enhances saliva flow along with protective minerals that protect your teeth from decaying.


  • Sparkling water: It might not look harmful, but they usually have a pH level between 2.74 to 3.34. This pH level makes it more likely to damage the tooth enamel than a glass of orange juice.


  • Coffee: Coffee is slightly acidic, but some evidence has proved that coffee without any additives assists in prohibiting cavities formation. So, to enjoy coffee without affecting your dental health, you can skip the sweetener.


  • Milk: There are several components of milk, including proteins and minerals like calcium that help prevent attachment and grow several bacteria that form a cavity. With a pH value of more than 6.5, milk is one of the best choices for making your teeth healthy and strong.


  • Soda: Soda not only affects your waistline badly but also your teeth. The acidity and the whole composition of soda play a vital role in breaking down the enamel.


  • Fruit juice: Maximum fruit juice is highly concentrated and exposes you to many acids compared to eating fruit in its natural form. But if you dilute the fruit juice with 50 percent water, it lessens potential damage.


Here are some of the negative impacts of beverages described above on your teeth:


  • Bad breath: A lot of beverages like alcohol, tea, and coffee can reduce the production of saliva and lead to dryness of your mouth. When the oral environment is dry, it supports the buildup of bacteria. The first symptom is bad breath that will not go away even after brushing your teeth or using breath fresheners.


  • Tooth decay: Beverages like soda and citrus juice increase tooth decay risk. The buildup of bacteria caused by dryness increases the vulnerability of your teeth to cavities. The acid and sugar in these beverages stick to the teeth' surface and erode the enamel.


  • Teeth stains: Several drinks like coffee, red wine, and cola can stain your teeth because of their dark color.


  • Teeth demineralization: Mineralization is a process by which your body makes your teeth strong. But when acids from beverages come in contact with your teeth surface, your body cannot provide the minerals to the teeth enamel. Demineralization often results in white and dark-colored spots that might develop into cavities. Some beverages that cause demineralization are flavored water, soda, sparkling water, etc.


What can you do to prevent those adverse effects?


  • Brushing your teeth after 45 minutes after drinking beverages
  • Drink water and rinse your mouth with water after consuming beverages to rinse the liquids from your teeth
  • Enhance the overall intake of water to wash the ingredients from beverages
  • Drink beverages in moderate amount
  • Go for regular cleaning and dental examinations at your dental clinic.



So, if you have a habit of drinking many alcoholic, carbonated beverages, fruit juice, and soda, you must discuss things with your dentist to protect your smile in your next appointment. For the best dental care for treating, reducing, and preventing the damages caused by the food and drinks you consume, trust the dentist at MyDentalPlan.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.

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