Your father's oral health can impact yours too! It's in your genes


If your parents have bad dental health, you might be worried about your chances of getting bad oral health. Genes have a solid link to your dental health issues. According to American Dental Association (ADA)

  • Several common diseases are not inherited because of any single gene defect but due to interactions between genes and the environment.
  • To date, no genes have been recognized that have a high effect on periodontal disease, but the environment has a massive influence like diabetes and smoking. 
  • No predictive test has been identified for dental caries or periodontal disease.`

Can Bad Teeths be Inherited?

Several aspects of your dental health are highly impacted by your genes, such as your mouth's size, shape, and bone structure. Crooked teeth are also passed down from one generation to another. If your previous generation had bad teeth because of poor oral care habits, it would not be passed on to you. Practicing good oral hygiene assists your teeth remain in their best condition.

Now let's know about some teeth conditions you might inherit from your parents?

For crooked or overcrowded teeth, you can blame your parents or ancestors. Your jawbone size can also cause a problem with biting or might even lead to some painful issues with jaw points. Even having such issues, you can easily overcome such genetic factors. Various conditions of your dental health have a basis because of heredity that puts you at high risk for developing specific needs, no matter how well your habits are. For example, crooked teeth offer a safe harbor for bacteria as they are challenging to clean.


When are you at risk of oral health issues because of genes? Well, find out if your blood relation has any history of the following conditions:

  • Gum diseases: About 30% of the population might be genetically prone to gum disease. With sensitive and inflamed gums, there is a possibility of tooth decay. If left untreated for an extended time, it can lead to bone and teeth loss. If any of your family members have struggled or struggling with gum disease, ensure you mention it to your dentist. You can easily protect your teeth and gums with timely diagnosis and proper treatment.
  • Tooth decay: Teeth cavities, to some extent, can also be hereditary. Some specific variations in genes have a strong link with cavities. Adults at high risk of tooth decay might benefit from some of the prescribed toothpaste or mouthwash and ensure to visit the dentist for regular cleanings and examinations. With timely supervision, your dentist gets a chance to offer advice on proper care for your teeth and allow them to detect oral issues early. Mostly they are treatable, but if you leave them untreated for long, it will aggravate your gum disease and result in tooth loss.
  • Weak teeth: The health of your teeth is highly affected by your eating habits. When your diet lacks the required calcium, it causes your teeth to become weak and prone to cavities. When your diet contains fluoride, it strengthens your teeth and prevents tooth cavities.
  • Oral cancer: One of the primary cause of death due to cancer is oral cancer. Even if your lifestyle choices like alcohol and tobacco increase your risk of oral cancer, genetics still play a minor role; people with a specific gene marker have a high risk of getting oral cancer. You can decrease your chance of getting oral cancer by quitting smoking, not consuming alcohol, and consuming a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Crooked teeth: Genetics has a significant role in your jaw size. It causes crowding of teeth, gaps, underbites, etc. If crooked teeth are a common problem in your family, you must consult a good dentist as early as possible. Timely treatment helps in benefiting several young patients. It allows the developing bones and teeth to emerge appropriately and prohibits several serious issues.
  • Colour of your tooth: Your tooth color relies on a mix of genes and the environment. People whose teeth have a thin enamel usually appear more yellow or light color.

Bad teeth always occur because of bad habits. The best oral health hygiene can easily prevent gum disease and cavities.


See your dentist for regular oral health checkups.

Regular visits to your dentist and preventive oral care can decrease the risk of genetic factors that lead to bad teeth. You can blame your genes, but you must take ownership of your oral health. Even the healthiest person requires regular dental health checkups. If you as a parent or a child have any doubts regarding your dental health or oral problems, please visit India’s Largest Dental Network that has highly skilled dentists who can answer all your queries both online and offline.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.



  • your fathers oral health
  • genetics and dental health
  • importance of genetics in dentistry
  • bad teeth genetics
  • teeth genes from father